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~~Onnaka tsuita~~~~!~♥~!~Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Assalamualaikum semua^^

yesterday me n my sis went to register fer my driving test n everything needed....i got my theory class this 22,23 n 24 of december. There are alot to study bout the road sign....hopefully i'll manage to memorised it all in time^^ hehehehe.Aiya! my 1st theory class will also be NAb's birthday,HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR FREN!! may Allah always bless you n grant all of ur wishes^^ will always lup u^^

wawawa!!! cant wait for my ultrasound check-up><. honestly! i'm scared.......because!! yesterday i was watching this documentary on channel 551(Discovery channel) bout "half man and half tree".wow! it really taken me aback,i didnt know such thing exist in this world...well...i agree that the world is a very mysterious place^^. There are numerous cases of people having weird ward(in malay known as ketuat) it's kinda like a skin disease.

Rough layers of skin grows resulting the hand to be bigger in size,well it really look like bark of tree,the one that i watch in TV.Hofefully there is cure for that.AND hopefully!! i didnt hav such case too><.YA ALLah tenangkan la hati ku yg gusar ni.....huhuhuhuhu


Girl's Outing~!~♥~!~Friday, December 12, 2008

ni gambar kenang2an tym lepak2 sama sau,nab,gebah n amal

11 dec 2008 is the best,i miz hanging out with them,n yana!!! it wud b great if u with us that tym

oso,take gud care of urself there kay?really really miz u.

1st:dine kat CAM fer breakfast
2nd:go to mall jalan2 den jumpa amal kat chonghock
3rd:cancel liyat wayang n go to cofeebean
4th:dine again kat chezbox

thank u alot to sau n nab fer blnja kmi makasih ,bila g liyat wayang???twillight! twilight! twilight!


yay! gudmornng n afternoon everyone^^ i'm started to get a hang fer blogging this hols.hehhehe .this morning,when helping mum making breakfast,i've made a new recipe!^^ new recipe fer my cooking skill plang hahahahah,"kentang goreng cube with seasoning pati ayam^^"ahahah

ok jua la the taste^^

oo!! yesterday i went to 1st emporium n found this cute multipurpose pencil case,love the colour n the function^^

when close jdi pensel case,den when open jdi pensel stand hehehehhe love it^^

cute turtle^^ ni my bro bgi tym kmi k labuan^^ turtle doll fer mobile stand,soo damn chubby^^

ni hah! giant box kinder bueno from labuan^^ RM25 ja ,murah n bsar^^ ngalih kmi mkn^^ huhuhuhu

sepanjang hols dec ni,nuthing to do...so buang masa bwat definition fer geo^^

n ni pic tym before cuti^^ me jalan sama bro barak n gf nya kat mall^^ ahaha posing je^^


nah zaza! ahahah this is the pic fer the game WHICH inoue marina act as the seiyuu of the main girl character^^ ALICIA MELCHIOTT^^ u better play it gal^^ soo daym nice the game^^ bout war strategy^^ GO VALKYRUR!!!


ohohohoh yesterday before jalan k mall,me n mama k klinik bunut 1st^^,kan mengambil result darah~~alhamdullilah my blood level,sugar n everything at normal level.but!!! the doctor didnt noe y my thyroid enlarge......so me kna send k RIPAS to take ultrasound check up dis 18th.ni hah appointment slip nya^^

hopefully nuthing serious^^ hahahhahahah fer sure the hormone problem bukan dalangnya^^
apa g ada a~~wat reason yg thyroid gland bleh enlarge....yana~~~u study bio ayt??heheheh help me^^ n zaza u too^^ oo n also....dis monday 15th me going to register fer driving theory test^^ ohohohooh .i'm obviously scared bout driving but try je la ehehhehe


dedicate to my cute niece^^ jmah~~~~!~♥~!~Wednesday, December 10, 2008

ooo,i was checking oldpics ,juz killing time~~den!! wala! i look at my niece's pjoto last year^^ soo daym cute^^ wanna c?? wow!! so cute la u jmah^^


yea^^ esok jalan^^ ahahahha buing hantap ni kat umah nuthing to do^^ mama jgn marah^^ ahahahhahahaha cant wait fer next year~~~PTEK !! HERE I COME!!! oo i edi liyat2 the PTEK n it SIMPL GORGEOUS ahahah love the new building^^ yea to new school! banzai! but of course la i WILL MIZZ U GUYS YG STAYING KAT md!!!!no!!! miz ya! miz ya! miz ya! wayang nda mnayak yg bru.....huhuhu...owh!! .i'll be going to hospital 2morrow>< hav to take the blood result~~~yada yada~~~ last 3 week,i was diagnosed of having thyroid gland problem.....izzit the one yg produce hormone a? ahahahah not sure^^ we'll look n see the result la^^,well honestly my mom thought my love to yaoi hav to do with my enlarge tyroid gland ahahaha in other word....AM I TURNING INTO A GUY???

fulamak! issnt it cool^^ wanna c the upcoming result??? ahahah who noes,mayb later my boobs shrunk,den i grow hairs kat my chest ahahahaha,n u dun wan to noe wat will happen to my lower half! ahahahha wat the heck!! nauzubillah!!! astagafirullah!! heheehe


a new dawn fer me eh?~!~♥~!~Thursday, December 4, 2008

HOWDY Y'ALL! wa~~now in december edi~~ it's heaven fer student!! ahahah vacation~vacation~HOLIDAYS! but honestly.....i misses school!!!!><><><) forever more u guys will owez be in my heart........thou time n space spilt us apart entertwine our fate,future....ahahaha cm love letter ja hahahah....but yg bnr nya~~i'm heart-broken....my "9 month worth of stalking-soulmate"guy kinda rejected me....aaa.....well...it's my fault plang coz lambat confess kat iya...yalo...but well! at least i hav no regret^^ althou it didnt work between us~~~we still b fren ayt arif-kun(amino acid)

with this i present u my final sweet memory with him^^
